
The MOD Covenant Team are undertaking work to assess the impact of the Armed Forces Covenant Legal Duty, which came into force in November 2022. We are therefore requesting information from schools through the Impact of the Covenant Legal Duty Survey 2024. We would be grateful if you could take 10 minutes to complete this survey.

Schools can support the Armed Forces community and implement the Covenant by:

Mitigating the impacts of Service life on Service children

Your school might educate:

  • Children of currently serving members of the UK Armed Forces, or children of their partners or ex-partners
  • Children of former members of the UK Armed Forces (‘veterans’), or children of their partners or ex-partners
  • Bereaved children of parents who died on service in the UK Armed Forces, or bereaved children of their partners or ex-partners
  • Children who are currently serving Reserve members of the UK Armed Forces
  • Children who are themselves veterans of the UK Armed Forces

Some of these ‘Service children’ might face disadvantages compared to non-Service children, arising from Service life, such as an interrupted education caused by a mobile lifestyle due to Service. Your school might be able to mitigate some of these disadvantages. There might also be opportunities for your school to offer special provision to those children who have sacrificed the most, such as the bereaved. Find out more about mitigating the impacts of Service life.

Since November 2022, governing bodies of certain state schools have been legally obliged to have due regard to the Covenant principles when carrying out certain functions. Find out more about the Covenant Legal Duty.

Employing members of the Armed Forces community

Your school might employ:

  • Currently serving Reserve members of the UK Armed Forces
  • Family members of someone currently serving, or someone formerly serving, in the UK Armed Forces
  • Veterans of the UK Armed Forces

You can be a Forces friendly employer of members of the Armed Forces community, receive awards that recognise your commitment to the Covenant, and get help and advice. Find out more about employing members of the Armed Forces community.

Show your support

Sign the Covenant, apply for Covenant funding, or use the Covenant branding. Find out more about showing your support.

  • If you have a query or comment about the Armed Forces Covenant and wish to receive a response, please use the Contact Us form.
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