Employing members of the Armed Forces community

Forces friendly employers

Members of the Armed Forces community bring a wealth of transferable skills and experiences to employers across the United Kingdom.

With over 12,400 organisations having signed Covenant pledges, now more than ever, employers across the UK are recognising that becoming a Forces friendly employer is a smart business decision. Not just because of the skills and training that members of the Armed Forces community bring to employers, but also because of the volume of support available to the organisations looking to employ them.

While we continue to improve support for the minority of service leavers and their families who face challenges after leaving, it is important that we also recognise and celebrate that most veterans leave enriched by their service.

Flexibility from employers to the unique situations of the Armed Forces community ensures fair treatment to all who are involved, including spouses and partners.

Picture shows Employer Recognition Scheme awards

Employer Recognition Scheme

The Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS) acknowledges employers that provide exceptional support to the Armed Forces community and Defence by going above and beyond their Covenant pledges.

Through a 3-tier approach of bronze, silver and gold awards, the scheme recognises the different levels of commitment provided by employers. This allows the Ministry of Defence to publicly thank and honour those organisations for their support. You can nominate yourself for a bronze award. Silver and gold awards are bestowed to organisations meeting specific criteria.

For more information, please see the ERS guidance, or FAQs on signing the Covenant and the ERS. You can join the ERS LinkedIn group for the latest ERS news, and to connect with other supportive employers. Some gold award winners have formed an Alumni Group.

News story: Employers supporting Armed Forces strike gold with Prince William

Recruiting Service leavers

Employers work with MOD’s Career Transition Partnership (CTP) to find quality applicants for apprenticeships, full time, and vocational work opportunities. CTP provides a personalised service to employers, regardless of size, throughout the UK and overseas, to understand your skills gaps and employment requirements. The Forces Employment Charity can also help employers recruit Service leavers.

Help and advice for employers

Help and advice for employers is available from Defence Relationship Management (DRM). Email employerrelations@rfca.mod.uk or find your Regional Employer Engagement Director. Follow DRM’s social media channels to stay up-to-date with the latest news regarding employer support: LinkedIn and YouTube.

If you need practical advice, a Reservist employer toolkit is available. This provides information on your rights, responsibilities, and financial assistance that may be available to you. An Employer’s Guide to Hiring Veterans is also available. This offers advice and guidance on how to recruit, retain and support the career development of veterans.

Why employ members of the Armed Forces community?

These 3 short films and other resources eloquently articulate the range of transferable skills that a military career provides. They have been produced by Deloitte, in collaboration with the Officers’ Association, Business in The Community and the Drive Project. MOD wholeheartedly endorses the key message that companies of all shapes and sizes should consider the proven business benefits of hiring veterans.

Case study: Guildford’s Green Watch get the job done thanks to Reservists and Ex Service personnel

Here are some of the tangible benefits for employers partnering with Defence. Please click on the image to see a larger version.


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